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Registered with the Ministry of Education (MOE)
Featured on BBC News as an elite ‘ Super Tutor’ in Singapore
Featured on The Sunday Times newspapers as one of the five ‘most sought-after’ Super Tutors in Singapore

Media Centre

Mr Anthony Fok was featured on various media platforms such as MediaCorp Channel 5 & Channel 8 TV, The Sunday Times newspapers, The Straits Times newspapers, MyPaper newspaper, Shin Min Daily News newspapers, TODAY newspapers, The New Paper newspapers, Lianhe Wanbao newspapers, ShinMin newspapers, 8-days magazine, I-weekly magazine, U-Weekly magazine, Singapore Business Review magazine, TEENAGE magazine, Singapore’s Child magazine, Scholarship Guide magazine, POPULAR magazine and Today’s Parents magazine. He was also an invited guest speaker on MediaCorp Radio 938LIVE segments ‘Money and Sense’ and ‘On the Job’, National Library Board’s Public Forum and MediaCorp TV Channel 5 ‘The 5 Show’. Mr Fok was also featured on numerous international media outlets such as CNBC TV, BBC News and France TV Channel.

For media enquiries, kindly contact [email protected]

Source: © Singapore Press Holdings. 
Reproduced with permission

Source: © Singapore Press Holdings. 
Reproduced with permission

MediaCorp 938LIVE Radio Interview : “On the Job” and “Money and Sense”

Source: © Singapore Press Holdings. Reproduced with permission

MediaCorp Channel 5 TV: The 5 Show, with hosts Chua Enlai, Yasminne Cheng and guest celebrities Andrew Lim and Amy Cheng 

Source: U-Weekly Magazine Issue 508

Source: TODAY Newspapers

Source: 8-Days Magazine

Source: Singapore’s Child Magazine

Source: © Singapore Press Holdings. Reproduced with permission

Source: © Singapore Press Holdings. Reproduced with permission

Source: Scholarship Guide Magazine

Source: © Singapore Press Holdings. Reproduced with permission

Source: © Singapore Press Holdings. Reproduced with permission

National Library Board (NLB) 20th Anniversary Celebrations 2015: “Out With Tuition and In With Reading”

Moderated by Professor Tommy Koh, Ambassador-At-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Panel Speakers: Senior research fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies, Tan Tarn How; assistant professor in the English Language and Literature Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Loh Chin Ee; and private tutors Anthony Fok and Laura Oh.


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